Untitled Folder

A project by Laia Serra Cribillers
Published by Handshake
Folded, Loose Leaves
34 x 24 cm. folded / 68 x 48 cm. unfolded poster, Offset Printed

ISBN: 978-84-123934-8-4

Untitled Folder explores the relationship between the technological device and the human being. The project analyzes the roles of power in computer-person dynamics to reflect on how these affect the body and thought. Using archival images, the work deconstructs the personal computer and observes how the object shapes whoever uses it.
The pages of the book open into ten different posters, expanding its own reading and creating an even bigger archive.
Untitled Folder was the winning project of the “17èFòrum Fotogràfic Can Basté 2022” publication grant, and the 2023’s “Eloi Gimeno” best photobook winning project.