Thinking in Channels: Using a PDF workflow for Risograph printing

An introduction to easily making print-ready multi-color publications for Risograph printing.

w/ Issue Press
Group Workshop

July 1th

︎ Start Time: 1pm

Duration: 4-5 hrs


Issue Press is a tiny publisher and Risograph print shop operated by George Wietor in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Since 2011, it has worked with an elastic mandate to publish captivating works by artists of all mediums that trade in humor, history, and exploration of place.

In addition to publishing, Wietor has initiated several side projects dedicated to the growth of the international Riso community, including:; An Atlas of Modern Risography; and with Matt Davis of Perfectly Acceptable Press, Wietor is a co-founder of the North American Risograph Conference (NARC), a gathering of Riso devotees held biannually in Chicago, Illinois.

Join us for a Riso Workshop for Intermediate to Advanced Printers

An introduction to easily making print-ready multi-color publications for Risograph printing.

What you’ll do:

Participants in this workshop will work together to create a 2-color collaborative zine using a channel-based PDF workflow. What’s a channel and how do they help? We go over that! Alongside some basics of color separation, imposition, and how to bring it all together and create a print-ready project.

This is intended for folks with some experience with Risograph printing and are looking for ways to streamline their prepress process with a more advanced workflow. You should be comfortable with the Adobe Creative Suite, particularly Photoshop and InDesign.

Please bring a laptop with the Adobe Creative Suite and several images you would like to work with. Each participant will get a spread in the zine. We will work together to come up with a theme and color scheme.

Please arrive on time, we cannot accommodate participants later than 15 minutes.